“In 2025, we celebrated the 5th anniversary of the Grand Live du Voyages d’Affaires, an annual event organized by CDS in partnership with IFTM. For nearly 8 hours, this live event brings together the business travel community around experts and key speakers to discuss our businesses freely, sometimes even with competitors, without the aim of selling anything. This format has established itself as a major event in our sector.
I’d like to thank all those who believed in this rather crazy idea five years ago, when we were going through a totally unprecedented crisis, that of the Covid global pandemic. The intuition of the need for our sector to come together and exchange views on all the fundamental issues has proved powerful.
Indeed, since 2020, every year has brought its share of surprises, difficulties, developments and rebounds. Systematically, our industry has responded to this highly unstable environment by providing innovative solutions for its customers. I have enormous confidence in our industry’s ability to successfully face the economic and geopolitical uncertainties
and geopolitical uncertainties, which are already looming large on the 2025 agenda.” Ziad MINKARA, CEO CDS Group (S4BT)
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Business hotels: attractive trends for 2025