CDS Groupe has been committed to CSR since 2004 and has a charter based on the International Charter of the Francophonie (OIF). This ethical charter is guided by values such as humanity, transparency, commitment and responsibility, and is committed to non-discrimination in employment.
In order to enable us to progress and demonstrate the reality of our commitments, we have decided to join the national responsible purchasing programme by signing up to the RFAR (Responsible Supplier Relations and Purchasing) charter at the beginning of 2022.

As a market leader in the business hotel sector, CDS Groupe is committed to an active policy of corporate social responsibility, based on the three pillars of sustainable development: Social, Economic and Environmental.
Our mission is to provide our business travel customers and partners with innovative and competitive solutions, enabling them to design and implement responsible travel policies that contribute to the well-being, comfort and safety of travellers, while reducing the negative impacts of travel and optimizing its economic and social contribution. Our commitment not only applies to our own operations, but also to the entire business mobility ecosystem, which CDS Groupe is helping to stimulate and drive towards confidence-building practices.
In this way, our Group is humbly working to ensure that the business tourism sector is no longer seen by society as ‘a problem’, but rather as a contributor to sustainable mobility solutions, enabling cultural exchanges and the reasoned growth of trade, a factor in territorial prosperity and social peace.
Ziad Minkara, CEO CDS GROUP
Our news

CDS Groupe and Goelett commit to supporting 60,000 Rebonds Île-de-France-Normandie!
CDS and Goelett are proud to support 60,000 Rebonds, the association that helps entrepreneurs bounce back after failure by providing support, trust, and opportunities for a fresh start.

2024: CDS Groupe X Clorofil get involved!
With its integrated calculator, the Clorofil web application enables hotel and catering professionals to participate in the collective effort to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 (Paris Agreement, Cop 21) by measuring their GHG emissions free of charge.

How to easily find electric recharging parking stations at the hotel?
Involved by CSR issues, CDS Groupe continues to deploy new functionalities to support and accommodate its corporate and travel agency clients in their sustainable initiatives.

SHe Travel Club and CDS GROUPE join forces to improve travel for women.
The SHe Travel Club label is the first to rate hotels on the basis of specific criteria to improve travel for women. Many travel managers’ associations in France, Italy and the UK have pledged to give priority to bookings in hotels certified by the SHe Travel Club.
Our news

CDS Groupe and Goelett commit to supporting 60,000 Rebonds Île-de-France-Normandie!
CDS and Goelett are proud to support 60,000 Rebonds, the association that helps entrepreneurs bounce back after failure by providing support, trust, and opportunities for a fresh start.

2024: CDS Groupe X Clorofil get involved!
With its integrated calculator, the Clorofil web application enables hotel and catering professionals to participate in the collective effort to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 (Paris Agreement, Cop 21) by measuring their GHG emissions free of charge.

How to easily find electric recharging parking stations at the hotel?
Involved by CSR issues, CDS Groupe continues to deploy new functionalities to support and accommodate its corporate and travel agency clients in their sustainable initiatives.

SHe Travel Club and CDS GROUPE join forces to improve travel for women.
The SHe Travel Club label is the first to rate hotels on the basis of specific criteria to improve travel for women. Many travel managers’ associations in France, Italy and the UK have pledged to give priority to bookings in hotels certified by the SHe Travel Club.
Our actions

CDS Groupe is the 1st contributor to the French Tennis Federation’s endowment funds, Terre d’impact, whose purpose is to support and carry out all general interest missions directly or indirectly linked to the tennis environment or its associated activities.

Anta Akhi France is a community of volunteers who have been working since 2004 to brighten the daily lives of young adults with severe disabilities living in the Anta Akhi Lebanon centre.

Ziad MINKARA, nominated President of the 60 000 REBONDS Île-de-France/Normandie association.
Through its actions, 60 000 rebonds is helping to significantly change the way people look at failure in France.

Despite a situation that remains difficult, the business travel sector’s voluntary commitments on environmental and social issues need to be strengthened.
CDS Groupe, which has been committed to promoting diversity and inclusion since 2008, wishes to strengthen its actions and has chosen Reforest’action to carry out this project.

Convinced that procurement is a very powerful systemic tool for changing collective practices in accordance with society’s expectations, CDS Groupe signed the RFAR charter in January 2022, with the ambition of deepening its own commitments and supporting the transformation of the purchasing behaviour of the actors in its ecosystem.

CDS Groupe is the 1st contributor to the French Tennis Federation’s endowment funds, Terre d’impact, whose purpose is to support and carry out all general interest missions directly or indirectly linked to the tennis environment or its associated activities.

Anta Akhi France is a community of volunteers who have been working since 2004 to brighten the daily lives of young adults with severe disabilities living in the Anta Akhi Lebanon centre.

Ziad MINKARA, nominated President of the 60 000 REBONDS Île-de-France/Normandie association.
Through its actions, 60 000 rebonds is helping to significantly change the way people look at failure in France.

Despite a situation that remains difficult, the business travel sector’s voluntary commitments on environmental and social issues need to be strengthened.
CDS Groupe, which has been committed to promoting diversity and inclusion since 2008, wishes to strengthen its actions and has chosen Reforest’action to carry out this project.

Convinced that procurement is a very powerful systemic tool for changing collective practices in accordance with society’s expectations, CDS Groupe signed the RFAR charter in January 2022, with the ambition of deepening its own commitments and supporting the transformation of the purchasing behaviour of the actors in its ecosystem.

CDS Groupe is supporting RCC Senegal
CDS Groupe is also strongly committed to social and environmental responsibility and supports the RCC Senegal.
There are three major objectives for this project:
- Environmental: taking part in the Great Green Wall, which helps to prevent the desert from overtaking the population by planting trees.
- Sporting: relaunching the partnership between RC Courbevoie and the Dakar Requins (training coaches, donating rugby equipment, etc.).
- Education: visiting a school in Sicap Liberté 4 (a district of Dakar), donating school equipment and working with the Village Pilote association (helping homeless young people in Dakar, training them to find work).
“What a pleasure to see the young people singing, dancing and having fun together, even though they do not all speak the same language! A meeting that made them aware of another reality, but above all it showed them that sharing is universal”, says Alain from Labaca, who was there to encourage this wonderful adventure.
CSR Contact

Maeva Etheve, CSR project manager
As a committed collaborator, Maeva Etheve is in charge of encouraging the CDS Group teams to work together on a new, meaningful corporate project.